Myrmica rugulosa
From Collingwood (1979) [1]
This is a small slender species, in Scandinavia found locally nesting in lowland sandy heath or open pasture frequently near the coast, but more generally distributed in Europe ascending to 1000 m in the Central Pyrenees. The nests are deep in the ground with circular crater like openings to the outside. The species is polygynous and a single colony may contain many thousands of workers. These tend to forage in files unlike most other Myrmica species which forage singly.
- , The Formicidae (Hymenoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark, vol. 8. Klampenborg, Denmark: Scandinavian Science Press Ltd., 1979, p. 156.
From Collingwood (1979) [1]
Worker. Pale reddish yellow with dilute sculpture. Head distinctly longer than broad; petiole narrowly rectangular from above, simply angled in side view with very short truncate dorsal area. Antennal scapes sharply but evenly bent near base, without trace of an angular projection or process. Frontal triangle mostly smooth but partly striate at apex in Fennoscandian samples. Head Index: 80.2; Frons Index: 52.7; Frontal Laminae Index: 95.4. Length: 3.0-4.3 mm.
Queen. As worker. Length: 4.8-5.2 mm.
Male. With short antennal scapes; the area between the notauli is smooth and shin¬ing without trace of sculpture. In profile the anterior and posterior faces of the petiole meet at a near right angle without a dorsal dome or truncation. The hairs on the ex¬tensor surface of the hind tarsi are distinctly longer than those on the underside. Length: 4.0-4.8 mm.
- , The Formicidae (Hymenoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark, vol. 8. Klampenborg, Denmark: Scandinavian Science Press Ltd., 1979, p. 156.