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Tapinoma subboreale Seifert, 2012
Tribe: TapinominiGenus: Tapinoma
From Seifert, (2012) [1]
Etymology. The species epithet is an adjective derived from Latin, meaning "below northern" – referring to the fact that the most northern Scandinavian populations are found south of the boreal zone.
Type material. Holotype male labelled "GER: 51.2294 °N, 11.7329°E, Weischütz-Kirche 1.7 km NE, limestone grassland, 215 m, Seifert 2002.06.14-542", "Holotype Tapinoma subboreale Seifert"; five paratype males and five paratype workers with the same locality label and "Paratype Tapinoma subboreale Seifert" on a separate pin (1male, 2 workers) and in ethanol (4 males, 3 workers); all material from the same nest sample; five paratype gynes labelled "GER: 50.879°N, 10.840°E, 300 m, Wanderlebener Gleiche, B. Seifert 1984.09.03" and "Paratype Tapinoma subboreale Seifert"; all material in Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz.