Monomorium perplexum
From Radchenko (1997) [1]
Workers. Head somewhat elongate (minor and middle workers), but may be subsquare or sometimes transverse (major workers) (CI=0.99-1.15). Sides of head convex occipital corners rounded occipital margin concave; head of minor and middle workers often broadest at the anterior border, in major workers its maximum width is at the level of eyes or in front of eyes. Eyes small (OI=5.88-8.84)), especially in major workers and situated somewhat in front of middle of sides of head Antennal scape short, not reaching occipital margin of head SI= 1.27-1.60 ) Antennal club not distinctly 4-jointed, shorter than the remainder of the funiculus; apical joint of antennal club not longer than sum of length of two preapical joints, and joints of club not much wider than previous joints of funiculus. Anterior clypeal margin with shallow, wide concavity and with very short blunt triangular tubercules or without them. Temples and occipital margin of head with numerous long curved hairs, cheeks with more short straight hairs; all surface of head with subdecumbent pilosity not so dense as in M criniceps. Ventral surface of head with numerous straight hairs. Antennal scape with numerous hairs, outstanding under angle 30-40 degrees. Head smooth and shining, with sparse fine punctures; only on frons between frontal lobes and on clypeus may be fine longitudinal striae. Mandibles longitudinally rugulose, space between rugae smooth and shining. Alitrunk slightly convex promesonotum somewhat flattened metanotal groove abrupt and deep. Propodeum angular in profile or with short blunt rounded denticles; horizontal part of propodeum slightly flattened from above, its length equal to length of propodeal declivity; declivity of propodeum with shallow longitudinal impression. Petiole with long anterior peduncle, its node low, triangular and rounded on the top. Postpetiole low, globular. Alitrunk, petiole and postpetiole with numerous outstanding hairs of varying length. Gaster with long numerous outstanding hairs and sparse short pubescence. Hind and middle tibiae with subdecumbent pilosity. Dorsum of pronotum and mesonotum smooth and shining, other parts of alitrunk and pedicel densely punctured, propodeum also with fine rugosity. Head, alitrunk and pedicel from orange-red to reddish-brown, gaster from brownish-red to dark brown, legs brownish- or reddish-yellow. Measurements: HL=0.69-L37; HW=0.62-1.38; SI=0.52-0.87; AL=0.83-1.37mm
Females. Head rectangular (CI=1,02), with subparallel, very slightly convex sides, narrowly rounded occipital corners and very slightly con circular, situated somewhat lower than middle of sides of head. Antennae as in workers (SI=1.34) Anterior clypeal margin with shallow, wide concavity, and with very short blunt triangular denticles. Head with numerous long curved hairs; ventral surface of head with numerous long, partly j-shaped hairs, forming a psammophore. Antennal scapes with numerous subdecumbent pilosity. Sculpture of head as in workers. Alitrunk relatively long (AI = 1.70, Scl 1 = 1.62), somewhat flattened from above, mesonotum not hanging over pronotum. Scutum broadly rounded, only with indistinct blunt tubercules; its declivity convex, without longitudinal impression. Petiole with long anterior peduncle, its node low, triangular and rounded on the top. Postpetiole low, petiole and postpetiole with numerous long outstanding hairs. Gaster with long numerous outstanding hairs and rare short pubescence. Hind and middle tibiae and femora with numerous outstanding hairs. Alitrunk entirely smooth and shining, only posterior part of propodeum finely striated; pedicel densely punctured, mat. Body reddish-brown, tibiae, tarsi and antennal scapes reddish-ochraceous.
Males. Head somewhat elongate (CI=1.06-1.08) narrowed to occipital border. Occipital margin straight. Anterior clypeal margin also straight, without medial umpression. Eyes very large (OI=1.96-2.0) convex, oval, situated in front of middle sides of head. Antennae 13-jointed, antennal scape very short (SI=5.22-5.33), shorter than second funicular joint; first funicular joint globular; funiculus thread-form, without distinct club. Mandibles narrow, bidentate. Head smooth and shining, only with fine shagreenate sculpture between eyes and antennal scrobes. Ventral surface of head and ociput with long curved hairs, frons and sides of head with shorter hairs, antennal joints with numerous short erect hairs.Alitrunk quite long (AI=1.56-1.57; SCI 1 = 1.54-1.55). Mesonotum convex, haging over pronotum (see in profile). Scutum elongate (SCI 2=1.06-1.12), scutellum transverse. Propodeum broadly rounded, not angular, length of its horizontal part equal to declivity. Petiole vith long anterior peduncle, its node low, narrowly rounded on the top. Postpetiole low, subglobular, slightly flattened from above. Alitrunk, petiole and postpetiole with numerous long outstanding hairs, femora and tibiae with abun- dant erect or suberect pilosity. Alitrunk and gaster smooth and shining. Body and femora reddish-brow, antennae, tibiae and tarsi yellowish-ochraceous. Measurements: HL=0.66-0.67; HW=0.62; SL=0.13 AL= 1.96-2.0 mm.
Measurements and indices:
HL - length of head in full-face view, measured in a straight line from the anterior point of the median clypeal margin (includes denticles) to mid-point of the occipital margin;
HW - maximum width of the head in full-face view;
SL - maximum straight-line length of the antennal scape in profile;
OL - maximum diameter of eyes; OW - minimum diameter of eyes;
AL - the diagonal length of the alitrunk in lateral view from the posterior base of the metapleural lobes to the antero-dorsal border of the promesonotum (in females and males)or to the anterior border of the neck shield (in workers);
AH - height of alitrunk in profile from dorsum lower base of mesopleuron;
ScW - maximum width of scutum from above;
ScL - length of scutum from above; SctL - length of scutellum from above;
OI (ocephalic index) = HL:HW. SI (scape index) = HL:SL.
Scl :(scutum indexes)= Sc1 =(ScL+SctL):ScW; Sc2= Scl:ScW
AI: (alitrunk index) = AL:AH
- , “Review of the ants of scabriceps group of the genus Monomorium Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).”, in Annales Zoologici , vol. 46, Warsaw, Polland: , 1997, pp. 211-224.
From Radchenko, (1997) [1]
Workers of M. perplexum differ from other species of scabriceps group (except M muticum and sides of promesonotum; from M. dentigerum and M. evansi workers differ also by low, triangular petiole that is rounded on the top, and by low, globular postpetiole.
Female differs from other species by the same shape of anterior clypeal margin as in workers; from M. evansi it well differs by elongate head, low, triangular petiolar node, sparse pilosity on the body etc.
Males differ from M. crinicepsby absence of medial impression on anterior clypeal margin, less sculptured head, presence of long curved hairs on ventral surface of head, elongate scutum etc.; from M. scabriceps they differ by absence of rugosity on the head.
- , “Review of the ants of scabriceps group of the genus Monomorium Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).”, in Annales Zoologici , vol. 46, Warsaw, Polland: , 1997, pp. 211-224.
From Radchenko (1997) [1]
Transcaucasus, Turkey, isles of Aegean sea, Greece. Inhabits dry steppe, semideserts, dry open mountain slopes. Nesting in the ground, often under stones.
- , “Review of the ants of scabriceps group of the genus Monomorium Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).”, in Annales Zoologici , vol. 46, Warsaw, Polland: , 1997, pp. 211-224.