Camponotus concava
From Kim et. Kim, (1994) [1]
Body length 7-13mm. Body dark black. Legs black to reddish brown. Head black and a little lustrous and pubescenses distributed sparesly. Head length 0.76-1.11 times as head width. Mandibles dark brown with weak punctures and each punctures with yellowish hairs. Teeth black and five, and the more toward the end, the sharper. Clypeus black with minute punctures all over and anterior
area concave with a pair of long yellow hairs. Frontal triangle almost indistict and connected area with frons indistinct. Vertex with abundant minute punctures and three pairs of long yellowish hairs and posterior area elliptical. Compound eyes greyish black and protruded considerably and width 0.55- 0.83 times as length. Antennal fossae comparatively small and in frontal view base of scape protruded a little. Antennal scape black with minute soft hairs and much extending backward beyond posterior area of head. Antennal scape length 0.89**1.28 times as head length and basal segment of funiculus a little brownish. Funiculus yellowish brown and eleven segmented with abundant minute recumbent hairs.
Thorax black with abundant minute punctures. Pronotum black with abundant pubescences,but erect hairs absent. The groove between pronotum and mesonottun and the groove between pronotum and anepisternum distinct, Mesonotum black with present on mesonotuml Metathorax black with pair of spiracles and minute punctures.
Propodeum black and a little lustrous, with minute punctures and minute recumbent hairs and three pairs of long, sharp, yellow, erect hairs on the top. A pair of spiracles looks like a slit crack. Propodeum gently-sloping, but total slope from pronotum to propodeum arched strongly. Petiole black and thick scale form with three pairs of long, erect, yellowish, minute hairs on the top. Abdomen black, five segmented, lustrous as head and thorax, with abundant pubescences. The connected areas between each segment a little brownish and sharp erect hairs distributed in a row and five or more erect hairs present on the tergite. This species live in trees and during daytime is hardly in sight and after September they come down under trees.
- , “On the two new species, Camponotus concavus n. sp and fuscus n. sp from Korea (Hym., Formicidae).”, Korean Journal of Entomology , vol. 24, no. 4, 1994.